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Company Starter kits

Business Starter Kit
Company Registration
Business Logo Design
Business cards design (No Printing)
Website Design (Standard)
Domain Purchase( Limited to
Professional Emails
Email Signatures
Portfolio Design (Limited to 4 Pages)
LetterHead design
Invoice (Excel Based)

Enterprise Kit
Company Registration
Business Logo Design (Copyright Logo)
Business Cards design (Includes 500 Printed Cards)
Website Design (Premium)
Domain Purchase (Includes .com , .Africa etc)
Professional Emails
Email Signatures (Responsive HTML)
Portfolio Design (Limited to 8 Pages)
LetterHead design (Word and PDF)
Invoice (Excel Based and PDF)
Sars Registration
Tax Clearance Certificate

Emerald Business Kit
Company Registration
Social Media Brandiong (Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, YouTube, Linkdin)
Business Logo Design (Copyright Logo)
Business Cards design (Includes 500 Printed Cards)
Website Design (Premium and E-commerce/ Developed Websites)
Domain Purchase (Includes .com , .Africa etc)
Professional Emails
Email Signatures (Responsive HTML)
Portfolio Design (Limited to 12 Pages)
LetterHead design (Word and PDF)
Invoice (Excel Based and PDF)
Sars Registration
Tax Clearance Certificate
Business Meeting with Rick Netshiozwi
We build businesses from Scratch
Have you ever wanted to build a serious business that can change the outlook of society, well then, this is the place. Its time to make real money with a real company that can employ, and sustain you as an entrepreneur.